Innovative Design Features with proven operating results are incorporated into our heap leach stacking equipment, such as automated belt training on our stackers, hydraulically adjustable bang plates, automatic truss leveling and, on our Super Portable® conveyors, articulating head and tail sections.
We've designed and installed the world's first mobile High Angle Conveyor and one of the largest mobile bridge and stacker conveyor units. We have a patented conveyor tripper design for our renowned stacking systems. We've designed the world's largest multiple-lift, mobile heap leach stacking system. We believe there's an opportunity on every project for innovative thinking to produce the best solution.
Super Portable® System Technology is the result of years of innovative design work that is revolutionizing heap leach stacking systems. Innovative, yet simple, this patented (US patent 6,782,993 B2) technology reduces scheduled down time, and increases system mobility and operational flexibility. The portable conveyors are truly mobile, being equipped with all-track propulsion and on-board generators. This allows rapid redeployment of the conveyors from cell to cell and lift to lift. TNT's Super Portable system includes several other subtle design features that show our knowledge of heap leach and other stacking operations, and an appreciation for the client's operating costs
The first Super Portable conveyor designed by TNT was the 215' conveyor for the Tintaya mine in Peru. This conveyor has provided exceptional trouble free service. Since then, TNT's Super Portable portfolio has expanded to:
Our conventional portable conveyor system, commonly nicknamed "Grasshoppers," range in design from 30" to 54" wide and from 300 t/h to 3,000 t/h. As capacity increases beyond 3,000 t/h, portable conveyors are generally replaced by self-propelled Super Portables, which are added or removed from the stacking line with less downtime.