Terra Nova Technologies, Inc. (TNT) secured contracts from clients in three countries in 2015 to support the expansion of their stacking operations using systems previously supplied by TNT. The business relationships with these three clients date to 2000, 2005 and 2006.
At Ma’aden Phosphate Co.’s facility in Ras Al Khair, Saudi Arabia, the twin parallel Super Portable® stacking systems supplied by TNT started operation in 2012 and are now completing the first phase of the stacking plan developed by TNT. To support MPC’s expansion to the next phase, TNT is designing and supplying a 600 meter extension (from 4,000 ft. to 5,970 ft.) of the two 54” overland tripper conveyors that directly feed the two Super Portable systems. These systems stack a filter-pressed phospho-gypsum waste from the phosphoric acid plant. To minimize interruptions to the plant’s production, the two systems alternate stacking the dry tailings to make full redundancy available at nearly all times. The standby system operates with its motors running at a fraction of full speed so it can be brought up to full speed and material can be diverted to it very quickly whenever the on-duty stacking system is shut down, resulting in virtually no downtime for the changeover.
For Eldorado Gold’s Kisladag mine in Turkey, the “grasshopper” style mobile stacking system supplied by TNT in 2006 and upgraded by TNT in 2010 is similarly beginning a new phase of its stacking operations, for gold heap leach. TNT is designing and supplying a mobile tripper to feed the relocated mobile stacking system. This tripper includes an on-board 54” x 38’ cross conveyor.
At Pan American Silver’s Dolores silver-gold mine, TNT supplied the in-plant crushing and conveying as well as the mobile heap leach stacking system in 2006, and upgraded the stacking system in 2013, including a stacking plan study for future operations. TNT is now supporting these operations by relocating a partially salvaged 36” x 444’ overland conveyor previously supplied by TNT, and reinstalling it with mechanical modifications in preparation for a future agglomeration plant expansion.