Design and supply of overland conveyors, on-off heap-leach mobile stacking system, reclaim system and ripios system, comprising of five overland conveyors, two mobile trippers, one mobile hopper, thirty-two 38m grasshopper conveyors, two 20m short portables, two 29m Horizontal feed conveyors, two 43m horizontal conveyors, two 55m radial stackers and two mobile crossover conveyors for a 2150 t/h gold heap leach operation.
Design and supply of a mobile tripper with 54”x38’ cross conveyor and hydraulically positioned diverter chute.
Design and supply of a 42"x120'/140' Radial Stacker.
Design and supply of three new in-plant conveyors at the crushing plant.
Upgrade to 2,400 t/h of the stacking system supplied by TNT in 2006, including design and supply of eight new portable conveyors, new Radial Stacker and Horizontal Conveyor, and new 1,970' overland conveyor with new tripper. Upgraded existing overland conveying and tripper, and all existing mobile conveyors.
Design and supply of 36" heap leach stacking system (1,000 tph) and overland conveyor.
Design and supply of three overland conveyors totaling 11,200 ft and 2,700 HP, 1,250 t/h. Design and supply of 16 42"x125' portable conveyors
Design and supply of five belt conveyors, two belt feeders, primary crushing plant, secondary crushing plant, 1,300 ton fine ore bin, including all structural steel, mechanical equipment (except crushers and screen), electrical and instrumentation, and dust control system.
Design and supply of 36" heap leach stacking system (800 tph), overland conveyors, and coarse ore stockpile stacking and reclaim conveyors.
Design and supply of 42" heap leach stacking system (1600 tph), and two overland conveyors totaling 8000'. Design and supply of mechanical components for 13 in-plant belt conveyors, including a fixed stacker.
Design and supply of complete 42" heap leach stacking system (1600 tph), including two overland conveyors totaling 8000' and a fixed stacker. Design and supply of mechanical components for 13 in-plant belt conveyors.
Design and supply of 30" heap leach stacking system (600 tph)
Design and supply of seven belt conveyors, SAG/ball mill ball handling system, and 300 tonnes of chute work and other fabricated plate work.
Design and supply of 30" heap leach stacking system (400 tph)
Design and supply of the entire materials handling system including 5 in-plant conveyors, 3 overland conveyors, 16 portable conveyors, feeder conveyor, horizontal conveyor and a radial stacker for an 18,000 tpd gold heap leach project.
Layout, design and supply of the complete 300 tph crushing, conveying, agglomeration, and heap leach stacking systems, and associated electrical and sampling systems, at a greenfield gold mine.
Design, supply and installation of a complete 1,800 tph heap leach conveyor stacking system at a 12,000 tpd gold mine, comprising three semi-portable overland conveyors (total length nearly 4,000 ft), eight 125-ft portable conveyors, 98-ft feed conveyor, 140-ft track-mounted horizontal bridge, and 120/140-ft radial stacking unit.
Onsite quality control and erection advice for the supply of new portable conveyors at a 3,000 tph heap leaching operation to process 220M tonnes of low-grade oxide ore from stockpiles to produce approximately 550,000 oz/yr of gold.
Retrofit of a vibrating grizzly screen in place of the fixed grizzly at a gold plant, to improve the efficiency of the secondary crushing circuit, including structural analysis, design of additional structural members, support members, chutes and hoppers, and supply of fabricated steel.
Preparation of a 3D site model to assist in planning and design of heavy-duty stacking system that would work well in the steeply sloping terrain at a 4.5M tpy gold heap leach project. Delivery of a complete 1,320 tph stacking system including a fixed overland conveyor, 13 portable conveyors, a 140' horizontal bridge and a 120/140' radial stacking unit. Design and fabrication of the equipment in cooperation with DIMISA. Onsite installation assistance.
Complete 250 tph stacking system, including four portable conveyors and a radial stacker, for this small gold heap leaching operation, and re-powered three additional portable conveyors onsite. Design and supply of a crushing plant that included a dump hopper and reinforced wall system, primary and secondary crushing and screening, eight in-plant conveyors, magnet, scale, silo and MCC.
Provision of a variety of services at this gold-silver heap leach project, including working with the mine's operators on a 650 tph crusher improvement program that included engineering modifications, operational controls and training, and maintenance program improvements. This program led to the mining of a record 3.4M tons of ore in 1998, a 19% improvement over 1997, and increases in gold and silver production of 20% and 15%, respectively.
Design, procurement, fabrication and assembly services for a 120'/140' radial stacker and 140' horizontal bridge conveyor and associated electrical systems, for use at a 40,000 tpd gold-silver heap leach operation
Assistance with the review and optimization of the feasibility study of the 1,200 tph crushers, overland conveyors and heap leach stacking system for a gold project. Development of new layouts for the heap leach pads, cell and lift sequence studies, establishment of equipment requirements, and sizing of equipment and belts in the crushing and stacking areas.
Design, supply and erection of three miles of overland conveyors and a 5,650 t/h Super Portable stacking system for the Southwest Pad, comprising a mobile tripper, 140’ long Portable Transfer Conveyor, five 72"x250' Ramp Portable conveyors, Horizontal Feed Conveyor, 275’ long Horizontal Conveyor, and 220' long Radial Stacker, and upgrades to four existing Super Portables. The four new 54" overland conveyors are 6,877’, 4,581’, 3,619’ and 694’ long.
Design, supply and erection of modifications to existing overland conveyor with a fixed tripper station, new 60"x1,200' long overland conveyor and new modular MCC, and reinstallation of salvaged 60"x6,700' long overland conveyor and mobile tripper.
Design and supply of all mechanical, structural and instrumentation for 15 belt conveyors and modifications to three existing belt conveyors. Project includes approximately 6,000 tons of steel.
Continued support of stacking operations by designing and supplying a 2,070' overland conveyor with mobile tripper, 42"x100' Horizontal Feed Conveyor, 48"x140' Horizontal Conveyor, 42"x120/140' Radial Stacker and four 42"x125' portable conveyors over a series of projects.
Design, supply and erection of new 60"x7,400' long regenerative overland conveyor with mobile tripper, and 72"x1,700' long extension to existing agglomeration transfer conveyor.
Continued support of stacking operations begun in 2004 by designing and supplying a tripper and Horizontal Conveyor, and a new Radial Stacker.
Design and supply of 5 additional 36"x115' Portable conveyors (1,100 t/h) to augment the TNT-supplied heap leach stacking system purchased from a closed mine.
Design and supply of fourteen 42"x125' portable conveyors handling 2,500 t/h, and two 42" overland conveyors totaling more than 6,000 ft.
Continued support of stacking operations by designing and supplying a total of seven new 2,600 t/h, 42"x125' Portable conveyors, two new 42" overland conveyors (1,700 m and 550 m), and upgrades to all existing mobile conveyors.
Design and supply of 3,500 tph primary jaw crushing plant, discharge conveyor, stockpile feed conveyor, two SAG mill feed conveyors and four 60" reclaim belt feeders. Scope included all mechanical, structural, electrical, instrumentation, controls and dust control systems; and design of all concrete foundations.
Design, supply and construction of five 72"x250' and three 54"x250' Super Portable® conveyors for the Stargo leaching site over a series of projects.
Design and supply of copper concentrate stockpile conveyor and filter press belt feeder.
Design and supply of 30" heap leach stacking system (400 tph) and agglomerator transfer conveyor.
Design, supply and erection of world's largest mobile heap leach stacking system (7,200 tph), comprising a 7400' long regenerative overland conveyor, ten 72"x250' Super Portable® conveyors, Horizontal Feed Conveyor, 300' long Horizontal Conveyor and 220' long Radial Stacker. Surpassed as the world's largest in 2010 by TNT's Super Portable system at El Abra.
Design and supply of 36" heap leach stacking system (1100 tph).
Design and supply of 54"x300' Horizontal Conveyor and 54"x220' Radial Stacker.
Design and supply of 2,400 tph 42"x200' Radial Stacker.
Design and supply of a stacking system for copper heap leach facilities, with rail-mounted tripper, 245' horizontal bridge conveyor and 140'/160' radial stacker, and of conveyors, belt feeder and related equipment at the crushing plant.
Design, build and installation of the world's first mobile high-angle conveyor system, incorporating equipment from Continental Conveyor and Caterpillar, providing a second 2,500 tph, 30-m lift over the top of the first lift at the Quebalix I copper leach pad.
Complete 3,000 tph heap leach stacking study for a copper project, incorporating truck stacking for run-of -mine ore and the placement of crushed ore by an integrated conveyor and mobile stacking system.
Provision of two portable conveyors for the initial expansion of the project, and subsequent supply of two additional conveyors (totaling 2,150 tph) for the next expansion phase, at this 105M lb/yr cathode copper production facility and heap leach stacking system with multiple lifts in a valley-fill configuration.
Upgrades to the stacking system supplied by TNT in 2007 to support new leach pad operations, including a new power distribution system, overland conveyor modifications, and a comprehensive stacking plan study for current and future operations.
Design, supply and erection of 36" heap leach stacking system (1,053 mtph), and inplant crushing and conveying system, including primary, secondary, and tertiary crushing/screening, stockpile, reclaim, dust control, lime system and overland conveyors.
Detailed feasibility study of developing a 13,000 tpd silver-gold heap leach property, including crushing and stacking facilities.
Continued support of stacking operations begun in 2008 by designing and supplying a total of six additional 800 mm portable conveyors.
Design and supply of 800 mm heap leach stacking system (226 tph) and overland tripper conveyor.
Design, supply and erection of six new 30" conveyors for a coal fired power plant expansion project.
Design and supply of two parallel complete 54" – 1,425 t/h Super Portable® stacking systems, each of which comprises 7 – 250 ft long Super Portables, Horizontal Feed conveyor, Horizontal Conveyor and Radial Stacker. The overland conveying to feed these two systems (6 Overland Conveyors and 2 Mobile Trippers) totals 22,000 feet.
As the General Contractor, TNT designed, supplied and erected an aggregate offloading, storage, reclaim and truck loadout facility, including a 650 ft long A-frame storage building, and all mechanical, structural, electrical and controls. The terminal can receive product at 5,000 tons per hour, and the terminal's enclosed building stores approximately 70,000 tons of material.
Design and supply of seven (7) belt feeders, ranging from 6 to 20 m long for kimberlite ore and concentrate handling.